Posts from 2013

1120 of 23 items


by The_SURGE

I know you’ve heard it.  Katy Perry’s new hit song, “Roar.”  If you haven’t, you’re probably missing out on one of the best lyrical songs written in a really long time. This message, not the song itself is what I want to share today.  Check out the chorus: I got the eye of the tiger, […]

The Power of Confessions

by Victoria Edwards

These are Confessions I say, out loud, every day!  I speak God’s Truth over my life and my family’s life because saying those things that be not as though they already are, is the best way I know to build my faith, increase my joy, and strengthen my spirit! Now, this is simply a template… […]

It’s the 4th Quarter with 2 Minutes on the Clock

by The_SURGE

You know that feeling you get when the score is tied, there are no time outs left, and the other team has the ball with 1:45 left on the game clock? You can’t sit down. You can’t watch. You can hardly breathe. The opposing team moves the ball to the 5-yard line, and it looks […]

The Undercurrent of Idleness

by Laura Mullen

I stood on the beach watching the blue-green waves roll in one on top of the other.  Each one bringing with it the foam of the surf reaching gently across the sand to my feet, the smell of salt to my nose and a welcome rest to my spirit.  As I watched the rhythmic undulation […]


by Victoria Edwards

And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. John 8:32 Truth involves freedom, authenticity, openness, and honesty.  It is not based off of feelings and emotions; it is based off of The Word of God.  The Word states plainly that Jesus IS the Truth in John 14:6.  No one else […]

Get a Pen…

by Victoria Edwards

And the Lord answered me and said, Write the vision and engrave it so plainly upon tablets that everyone who passes may [be able to] read [it easily and quickly] as he hastens by. Habakkuk 2:2 In reading this verse one thousand times in my life, I have come to understand that my ideas for […]


by The_SURGE

by Jayde Bourne In designing my tattoo I wanted to illustrate the idea of one act leading to many, so I left the ‘O’ in ‘One’ open to show that it is never closed & finished. Jesus’ one act of obedience on the cross is still making many righteous. One thing most of my friends […]

36.5 Initiative Praise Report!

by Victoria Edwards

Our 36.5 Initiative brought about such life transformation for those who participated. Some were delivered from pornography, others from spirits of fear, legalism, and pride. A few were Baptized in the Holy Spirit and even more have become open to seek the Lord as to what that truly means. The Surge acquired a new Outreach […]

Dating…Courting…What’s The Difference? (Part 2: Courting)

by Victoria Edwards

When someone is said to be ‘Courting’ and not Dating a person of the opposite sex, it simply means they have chosen to go mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and socially beyond friendship with the other person. They admire the other person and want a deeper understanding of that person’s personality, values, family, and friendships while maintaining […]