You know that feeling you get when the score is tied, there are no time outs left, and the other team has the ball with 1:45 left on the game clock? You can’t sit down. You can’t watch. You can hardly breathe. The opposing team moves the ball to the 5-yard line, and it looks like they’re going to drive it in for the touchdown. Slowly, they chip away at the clock. I’m on edge just thinking about it. That level of intensity and suspense, rather you’re at home or at the game, can be ridiculously overpowering. Well, imagine what the players and coaches must be experiencing.

Right now, I believe God is awakening His people to live with such urgency, such intensity. To shift us from living on the edges of our seats watching to see what’s going to happen to walking in His fullness and making the plays that will go down in history – history of our families, our churches, our communities, our nation, our world. C’mon somebody!

California Williams breaks up touchdown pass intended for USC Woods during NCAA football game in Los Angeles
Or maybe it’s just me. I admit. For too long, I have been a spectator in life….an over the top fan of God, Jesus, positive things, growth, yadah, yadah, yadah. I’ve passionately rooted for myself and others, but secretly I have lived most of my life being too afraid to leave it all on the field. Those days are over! Who’s with me?I got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I got tired of always going to other people (who I perceived to be more spiritual and holier than me) asking them for prayer when I was facing a giant. Here are two truths that helped me to stop sabotaging my own victory:
“For by the grace (unmerited favor of God) given to me I warn everyone among you not to estimate and think of himself more highly than he ought [not to have an exaggerated opinion of his own importance], but to rate his ability with sober judgment, each according to the degree of faith apportioned by God to him. (Rom 12:3 AMP)“Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, ‘Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.’” (Acts 10:34 KJV)

All along, if I wanted to, I could have stretched my faith and laid hands on myself to be healed. I was ranking myself less and others higher because I was “being humble.” And, who was I to induct myself into the Spiritual Hall of Fame?

It’s not that God hadn’t given this power [Holy Spirit| to me or you – and I’m not just talking about the gift of healing. I had convinced myself that the other team (the more spiritual folks) was better. We both had the Holy Spirit, but in order to really win the big games (miracles, signs, and wonders), I needed something special that they had and I didn’t.


We were both on the same team! They just believed and received the full truth, and I didn’t. I was so busy watching, and saying, “See, I told you so” instead of doing and saying, “In the name of Jesus, it is so.” So I began to study the greats, and with some tweaks – new training exercises, routines, plays, etc. – I moved from watching God move to being a move of God. It’s all about getting in the game . Let me explain.

A move of God is not necessarily some huge wave of spiritual revival that breaks out across a region. That’s what we’ve come to believe. But do you know that we can be moves of God? We can be the woman at the well who ran back and told her village about Jesus. Her excitement, her energy, her intensity, her confidence, her belief –revolutionized her entire village? She was a move of God. We are called to be moves of God – in our homes, families, and careers. All we have to do is believe and move in faith. We can win back lost loved ones. We can heal the sick. We can do what God has called us to do.

“I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honor at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms.” (Eph. 1:19-20 NLT)

Yes, we must believe! But we must also prepare! We must study our playbooks to show ourselves approved! We must suit up in the full armor of God! We must get hype by rejoicing in the Lord and worshiping his Holy name! We must live like champions worthy of the calling!

A shift is coming rather we like it or not; rather the world is ready or not. I look around and see this kind of stuff everywhere on Social Media: #TeamJesus, #TeamSlater, #TeamThis, #TeamThat.

All of us are fans of something, but when are we going to shift from living as fans to reigning as champions? We are on the winning team, and we have a coach who is greater than the greatest! Right now, let our urgency be to glorify him in all things, remembering His love, grace, and mercy. All around are opportunities to stretch our faith. God’s plans for us are strategic, there is no such thing as luck. Who are we to sit around and spectate?

As you start your week off, start with a sense of urgency! Be on the offensive! Set out to make daring plays!

Here’s how: Make a list of things you want to accomplish. Then, make another with God’s character traits you really want to practice this week. Get busy! Intentionally get involved in the miracles you want to see. If you believe God for healing in your body, find scriptures to read, speak them out loud, and lay hands on yourself. Stretch your faith! You’ve already received the power! Do it until you believe it! Don’t wait for it to happen! Make it happen in the name of Jesus! You’ve got the victory!

I hope you enjoyed your cup.

Putting on my game face,
Saki Milton

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