Heresy: dissension, dissent, nonconformity, heterodoxy, unorthodoxy, apostasy, blasphemy, freethinking; agnosticism, atheism, non belief; idolatry, paganism.

But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Peter 2:1 NIV

Yah… this verse is majorly harsh, however, it’s the Word of God and thus, completely true to its core. 2 Peter 2 discusses the dangers of taking a piece of God’s Word and then creating your own “religion” based upon what you want the Bible to mean.

The destruction that comes on your own life (not to mention your eternity) when you take your made up “religion” and then teach it to others, is grave.

God will not be mocked. What He said in His Word, He meant and we as mature believers should know His Word so well, that when we are faced with opposition, we can refer to it and disagree with love and complete TRUTH.

This brings me to the root of today’s blog, an odd happening that occurred just yesterday …

So I am taking a nap … something I thoroughly enjoy, but do not always get to do … and as I am drifting off to dreamland, the door bell rings.

I wait and figure it’s probably a package being dropped off and try to go back to sleep. The door bell rings again, I do my best to ignore this unwanted intrusion and get a bit anxious seeing as the front door is downstairs and I am comfortable sleeping much too far away from it.

I figure it is probably some sort of solicitor and do my best to go back to sleep.

Then I hear knocking, not once but pounding a few times.

Now, I am thinking something is very wrong with one of our neighbors since none of our friends texted about coming over.

I reluctantly hop off of the couch in my pink hoodie, red T-shirt, green shorts, fuchsia socks and sleep-filled eyes to open my front door.

There standing a little frightened with a collared shirt, slacks and glasses is the sweetest Asian young man holding something in his hand.

Still mentally asleep, I observe the situation and figure I am about to be assaulted by a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness and his strange adult “leader” who happened to be wearing a similar collared shirt and slacks leaning against my house like he owned the place, watching the poor boy’s every move.

I immediately felt sorry for whatever was about to occur.

After opening the door, I said “yes?” and waited for a response …

The young man looked at me and with fear in his eyes, replied, “I am a Christian.”

I thought, “well, this is a new one” and waited for him to continue.

“I am a Christian” he said … ”Have you ever heard of the female god?”

In my tired stupor, I was completely incapable of first, understanding what he had just asked me, and second, taking this slightly hilarious moment to dole out the naturally witty and almost certainly hurtful responses that tend to fall out of my mouth in odd and extremely annoying situations.

I stopped the young man from completing his sentence and said simply, “no, I am not interested thank you” and shut the door.

As I walked back upstairs … to do something other than take a nap … I just kept repeating to myself what he had said…”have you ever heard of the female god?” ….

I thought of twelve different ways I could have responded, something a bit more intelligent than “no, I’m not interested” something that I should have done to put that poor soul out of his misery and to put his evil tyrannical leader in his place.

Realizing that there was a new “Jehovah’s Witness” or “Modern Mormon Movement” sweeping across Riverpark, frustrated me immensely.

How is it that so many people are so deceived? Are people just making up religions in their free time or have I been so out of it that I didn’t even notice the absurd cultish groups of men running through the park outside, going from house to house, spreading their lies and bizarre teachings?

As I walked up a flight of stairs I could see from my window the “leader” walking several feet ahead of the young man, almost as if testing him to see if he could keep up. I saw the young man try to follow in his leaders footsteps, but with never a smile nor a laugh.

It was clear that no one was enjoying this torture of rejection, and yet something drove the men on to go from door to door attempting to tell others about this “christianity” that includes a female god.

Now … just so you know … I have it on good authority that there is not nor has there ever been, a female god in Christianity! Just go to google and look up the verses about Who the Christian God IS and you will find many things …

The Lord our God IS “one” Deuteronomy 6: 4
God IS “Love” 1 John 4:16
God IS “Spirit” John 4:24

But never once will you discover any verse in the Bible that states our “God IS FEMALE.”

Jesus came to earth as a man and referred to His “Father” God in the Bible 160 times. And in the Old and New Testaments, masculine pronouns are utilized again and again when referencing God.

The point is, when someone literally comes to your door declaring someone/something other than Christ as Messiah and Lord you may not have time to whip out your Septuagint and tell them why they are incorrect. However, what you can and should do is know the TRUTH for yourself.

It is up to you to be so intimate with God that when people talk about Him or bring lies to you about who He really is, you are not afraid and confused.

One thing I have learned from this bizarre experience is how radical I should be in telling others about Jesus. If an unfortunate and sweet twenty year old man can shadow his “leader,” both using their strength to embarrass themselves on a daily bases for their “cause”… what should I be willing to sacrifice to make the God Who IS TRUTH, known?

Catch the Wave,