#7 A lady chooses her words wisely.

You know that girl from high school? The one who always talked a little too much? You really wanted to like her… she was happy, very kind and sweet, but always seemed to have absolutely NOTHING valuable to say. She’s the one you took to coffee and waited in line with as she continued to ponder the differences between Venti, Tall, and Grande… out loud… non stop. You found her a bit annoying, but realized, “hey, everybody has quirks…”

You would sit down to ask about her family, what schools she’s thinking about transferring to…etc. And all she would talk about is her kitty cat, Fluffy and his newly discovered ear infection…

You love this girl, but by no means wanted to do coffee more often than absolutely necessary…

It wasn’t like she was gossiping or anything…so why does the nothingness of her speech bother you so much?

I believe there is something innate in all of us, to ask questions and get answers. To learn about and from one another. And sometimes, when we are insecure, a bunch of “NOTHING” comes out of our mouths involuntarily.

You may be thinking…It’s not a sin to just talk and talk… a little annoying perhaps, but not a sin… right?


Worthless and superficial talk brings absolutely no glory to God!!!

And when a young lady decides that 95% of her discussion will be full of worthless speech, it actually hinders conversations that could bless God’s heart!

I am just as guilty of it as the next person… discussing something that has to do with myself far too long than I ought to, but God can be a REDEEMER of even the smallest OF CONVERSATIONS if we will let Him.

It may sound silly, but as we think, so we are. When we have selfish, self-centered thoughts, it comes out in our speech whether we want it to or not.

Eventually others notice, and we become a hinderance to the Holy Spirit moving in our discussions with friends and family.

It may not seem like a big deal, but discussing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING CAN STOP THE FLOW OF GOD’S SPIRIT in our words…

“But avoid all empty (vain, useless, idle) talk, for it will lead people into more and more ungodliness. And their teaching [will devour; it] will eat its way like cancer or spread like gangrene…” 2 Timothy 2:16-17a

#8 A lady never covets the spotlight.

One thing I have noticed about the women in my life that I admire, is that they very rarely cause attention to be drawn to themselves. Attention seems to automatically find them as they go about their day. But it is the way in which they carry themselves that causes the spotlight to follow them…

They speak with those lonely, awkward people everyone else shuns, they buy coffee for the person behind them in the Starbuck’s drive-thru, they send a check anonymously to people in leadership in hopes to bless, encourage and strengthen… without needing a pat on the back for doing it.

There is a quiet contentment and power in a woman who can realize that she is the daughter of Christ the King and that that position is quite enough.

Neither needing to be loud and obnoxious nor needing to be the focal point of every conversation, shows that humility is present.

A lady must first realize that she is nothing without Christ, before gaining that effortless inner beauty all women seek.

Ironically, because a true lady desires praise to be given to God rather than to herself, her inner beauty leaks into her outer until nobody can tell the difference.

That woman becomes known for the beauty of her heart and that inner virtue creates an elegance that shines on her outward appearance as well.

The way she carries herself says, “I know who I am. I love those around me with a genuine love. And I am not here to put on a show.”

“Do nothing from factional motives [through contentiousness, strife, selfishness, or for unworthy ends] or prompted by conceit and empty arrogance. Instead, in the true spirit of humility (lowliness of mind) let each regard the others as better than and superior to himself [thinking more highly of one another than you do of yourselves].” Philippians 2:3

#9 A lady loves herself.

This may not be the next point you were expecting… However, I have come to learn through watching amazing leaders like Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, Lisa Bevere, and my Mother, that loving who you are in God is the answer to having others come to love Him as well.

If I was never cynical, always positive, always joyful, never gossiped, or spoke an unkind word about anyone… but I disliked myself… what kind of life would I be leading?

Unfortunately, many reading this, know exactly what that feels like.

When you do not love yourself, that self-disappointment leaks out…

You don’t mean for it to, but your dissatisfaction with who God made YOU, will make you disapproving of others also.

If you want to be a lady who knows how to warm an unbelieving heart for Christ, knows how to touch a life in such a way that you and Jesus partner together to leave a sweet taste in their mouths…

Than you must first see yourself as Your Father in Heaven sees you.

Then… you must walk with the satisfaction you have deep down inside. A purpose is birthed inside of you when you realize life is not about you… so much so that it does not matter who others say you are. Jesus knows you. Every part of you. And LOVES you!

When you truly understand that, YOU begin to love YOU too!!

Be a lady who knows who she is, knows her giftings, knows her limitations, knows she is nothing without her God, and knows the One Who gave it all just for her, walking in that assurance!

When you do this, you will change the world!

“If indeed you [really] fulfill the royal Law in accordance with the Scripture, You shall love your neighbor as [you love] yourself, you do well.” James 2:8

Catch the Wave,