By: Annie Garratt of Hillsong Church

I have found in my own life that confidence is not always something that I necessarily feel, but rather it’s a decision that I make. I have learned to choose to walk in confidence even when I don’t feel like it. And that my confidence doesn’t have to depend on what I can and can’t do but what God can do in me and through me. That doesn’t mean that I don’t get nervous or sometimes feel insecure. Everyone does! But rather than camping around those feelings I make a choice to meditate on what the Word says.

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13)


Thank goodness all I ever have to be is myself. Comparison is exhausting and a no-win situation! What helps me is to keep things uncomplicated. All I have to do is be me…bring my best….and trust that God will equip me to do whatever He’s asking of me.


Usually the more you do something, the easier it becomes, but you’ve got to start somewhere! You realize you can actually do it. You survive! And then you do it again and you learn and you grow in your ability and confidence. But it always starts with that initial moment of stepping out.

When I first started leading worship I was terrified. But I knew that it was something that God was calling me to do. I could wait until I felt confident to do it or I could do it scared and trust that God would help me. And I’ve stuck with it and kept doing it and with time my confidence has grown.


When something does go wrong it’s easy to lose confidence. I have definitely had times leading worship when I’ve made mistakes and let them become bigger in my mind than they needed to be. Too often, I’ve let them consume my thoughts and really knock my confidence. But over time I’ve learned not to be so hard on myself. I know I’m going to make mistakes and things aren’t going to be perfect and that’s just a part of it.

You’ve just got to keep going and let it all become part of the learning process. And sometimes it requires pushing through nerves or fear but it’s always worth it in the end!

