“Christmas is when people say nice things to you who otherwise don’t even know you’re alive.” -Charlie Brown
Christmas is a time for giving…gifts in particular. Boxes are tied with bows in the most beautiful shades of red, green and gold. People pass out chocolates and candy canes to those they may never have met before in their newly discovered spirit of generosity.
There is an unquestionable desire to bless those around us this time of year, even if it is simply with a heart-felt smile.
The true meaning of Christmas is hopefully known to you; if it is not, here is a synopsis to bring you up to speed…
Jesus came down from His throne to be born as a human baby and later sacrifice His life on a tree that we, a flawed race, might have the opportunity to accept Him as King of our hearts.
He willingly left His perfect world to live for a time in ours. Heavenly angels worshipped Him day and night and yet, He gave it all up to humbly present Himself to us in hopes that His kindness would urge us to choose Him.
Jesus is the “present” and the reason we celebrate this wondrous Day. His LOVE is the reason why our hearts warm when we think about giving gifts to others this time of year.
No doubt, Jesus is the Greatest Gift one could ever receive.
…But Who is our God?
Our God is LOVE (1 John 4:8).
The purpose behind Christmas and the giving of gifts at Christmastime, is unaffected authentic LOVE.
When Jesus showed up on earth in the most modest of circumstances, He was not only saying, “Here I AM, The King of Kings! Come and Worship Me!” He was also saying, “Here I AM, the embodiment of LOVE! I Am King of Kings and as the Encapsulation of LOVE, I have left my Throne-room to present Myself to you.”
Only LOVE would strip Himself of all things good to make a way for weak earthly vessels to personally connect with the Spirit of God.
Only LOVE would hold sinful humans in a higher regard than the angels and recognize them as deserving of the continual Presence of the Creator of the Universe.
When you think about all of this-the sacrifice, the selflessness and beauty of our Jesus and how He chose to make a way for us to know Him…
You cannot help yourself, you want to GIVE!
… Of yourself, your time, your resources…your life.
Once you truly understand that LOVE came down for YOU… you are left speechless and it is all that you can do to attempt to return the favor.
So this Christmas, when you are standing in one of those mile-long shopping lines or stressing over the dozens of people coming to your home on Christmas Eve, Remember just one thing.
That statement changes everything…
Merry Christmas & Catch the Wave,